VR Game | 6 weeks team project
In this fine establishment, we don’t believe in walking over and hand-delivering food to our customers. Instead, our server (that’s you!) frisbee-throws plates to each table. Our novel approach is both more entertaining for everyone and perhaps one could even say it’s safer for our valued employees, given the nature of our customers…
3D Game with physical input | 2 weeks team project
While your thief colleagues are stealing valuable equipment from this bio-tech company, your job is to pack them into the truck using the crane. Be quick! and be careful.
VR Game | 6 weeks team project
Chinese-Cyberpunk Combat game
After long periods of peace, people started to question the validity of Shan Hai legends, at least until Guais started their attacks once again. You are a Mecha Operator, the guardian of this town, and it is your job to protect it against the onslaught of monsters.
3D Game | 9 weeks team project
Integrating AI tools into game development
Join Plant Buddy, an endearing plant cyborg, as he embarks on an epic quest through vibrant and mysterious alien landscapes to find a cure for his astro-botanist companion’s mission-ending illness.
Game Concept | individual project
VR experience design to interpret Alzheimer's disease
I imagined consciousness and memory carried by a fish shoal, and Alzheimer's disease in the shape of a thief or a blackhole that gradually erodes and consumes the shoal.
VR Experience | 6 weeks team project
How does it feel to have glaucoma, cataract, or colorblind? This educational VR project aims on raising public awareness of common visual impairments through visual simulations, interaction tasks, as well as vivid explanations and demonstrations,